Pekalongan is one of the cities in Central Java as the center of economic growth. If the city of Semarang is located 100 km west. Pekalongan batik is also nicknamed the largest city in Indonesia. But a lot of interesting facts that few people know. Here's his review.
1. Waste knew sebagau fuel. Besides batik industry, the city is also known for the production industruu know. However, the interesting part of industry know is the waste that is used as fuel. This innovation has long dilakuakan Duwet villagers, and now many people are switching from LPG to production lumbah know as fuel.
2. Use rocking vats. This is a rocking trash that can produce compost within a period of one month. Tong has been proven to reduce carbon emissions from garbage sector.
3. Batik of waste. Cement waste wrapping paper and tin it can be used by residents of Pekalongan batik. This batik creations able to be exported out of the country such as Malaysia and Australia.
4. Creative City world. Who would have thought if Small town in Central Java, this turned out to be a creative city of the world since December 2014 set by the Directorate-General of UNESCO.
5. unique logo. Pekalongan have a unique logo that is different from other cities in Indonesia. The logo is similar to a ball logo consisting of 5 elements, such as the human element, centing, fish, water, people who raise their hands.
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